For these Mods, you want to head out to Necralisk on Deimos and browse Son’s Offerings. Be friendly with the Entrati Syndicate and you should be able to unlock Son’s Companion Bond Mods selections. To quickly raise Standing for Entrati, you will need to farm Mother Tokens by doing Bo...
Warframe’s ultimate gunslinger just got her Prime debut, which means we’re here to help you figure out where to farm for Mesa Prime blueprints. Another Prime Access is finally upon us and that means players can either decide to fork over real money to get immediate access to the newest ...
here's how it's gone for me so far in the near 2 weeks I've been dedicating my time to getting the BP's ... Capture/Raid/Spy: Chassis (alot) and sometimes Systems Endless Defense (usually to wave 10 or 15): Systems (rarely) Have yet to see a helmet and I have done around 1...