“Thank you, first of all, to Vice President Harris. Thanks for putting your trust in me, and for inviting me to be part of this incredible campaign,” he said. “It is the honor of my life to accept your nomination for vice president of the United States. We’re all here t...
The Belize Dollar (BZ$) has a fixed rate of exchange of BZ$2 to US$1. Most hotels, resorts, restaurants, and tour operators will accept U.S. currency, traveler’s checks, or credit cards. TIME Time observed year round is GMT-6, which is the same as United States Central Standard ...
Gambling personifies the Shakespearean twist of the racetrack. High rollers and drugstore cowboys wager to win. Some men walk out with a grocery cart of recycled cans; some walk out with enough money to buy a racehorse. They leave by the same gate, and the next day, they return for more...
Comfort found its way into our lives in the form of an all you can eat extravaganza at El Pino323, a Mexican restaurant in Itaewon that in my opinion can go toe-to-toe with most Mexican restaurants back home. The picture below of my gargantuan food plate doesn’t do it justice as it...
I love conferences and much prefer them to conventions; you don’t have to sit behind a table and sell books and look at people in superhero costumes. Instead you can listen to and exchange information with intelligent people. So, not only great presentations (some of which I even ...
The total length of the border is just under 2,000 miles. Roughly half of that distance is the Rio Grande (which gave rise to the derogatory term for Mexican immigrants,wetback,as many illegals used to swim the river to get to the US). ...
Mexican Food News: In one of my older updates, I ranted about how the price of my usual meal at Santana's went up from $5.50 to $6.50, and how that was it, that I wouldn't be eating there anymore with those prices. About two years and 50 Santana's meals later, I'm hesitant ...
I saved money on accommodation by using couchsurfing, traveling for part of the trip with my dad, and visiting several friends (thanks Anne Claude, Klaus, Emer, and Natalie!) Part 1: Road Trip with Dad in Switzerland I have to thank my dad for passing on to me his sense of adventure...
In the city of Phoenix, Filipino immigration can be traced back to seasonal agricultural labor hailing from the Northern Philippines by way of Hawaii. An unofficial Little Manila here was home to meztizo Filipino-Mexican-American families starting in the 1920s. The community enjoyed a busy social...
Our budget is not too high, so we do not want to lose time and money in going around to many places. I have searched a lot and really. I’m swimming in Bali’s pool. Which route should be the best for our short time? We really need your help!