Santangelo, became a successor co-Trustee, but he was only authorized to act with a co-trustee. Santangelo was in Bankruptcy and had some serious IRS Liens piling on. The first thing he did upon John Payne's death was take apart the Estate work, losing pages, and creating others. By ...
PLEXUSWhere Health Information Experts Come Together MAY/JUNE 2017 VOLUME 13, ISSUE 3 TRENDIINIG?What's Documentation Rules and Roles CLINICAL MEDICINE page 28 Pharmacology SHERRY ROTH, CHDS, AHDI-F "Being credentialed is a step to being seen as believable and trustworthy. It puts a visible ...
John O'Donovan, in his notes, says:"Sliabh Mughdhorn, i.e. Mons Mugdornorum. This is not the chain called the Mourne Mountains, in the County of Down, but a range of heights in the barony of Chrioch-Mughdhorna [now Cremourne], in the County of Monaghan. In the Tripartite Life...