I first tasted Lillet about 10 years ago when I was living in Paris. A French friend introduced me to it with the caveat, “my parents like this”, which I think was code for, “this may taste good, but is deeply uncool and to be savoured in private only”. Now I know there are...
Jessica Leigh Hamilton, Ph.D., (she/her/hers) is an Assistant Professor at Rutgers University in the Department of Psychology. Her research aims to identify risk factors for the development and worsening of depression and suicidality (i.e., suicidal thoughts and behavior) among adolescents. ...
Strong New Idea One:What if we make a sequel toThe Terminatorbut this time Linda Hamilton isn’t playing the resourceful ordinary person, instead she’s a full-on action star, holding space like Arnie and Sly do in their big films?