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Plugin for Autodesk® 3ds Max® OR their AR-media™ Plugin for Google™ SketchUp™. They use a marker based technology that allows you to create models in either 3ds Max or SketchUp, then export them as a ARmedia file type to be played by anyone who has the free ARmedia ...
Blender is free and not going anywhere so its well worth learning... SketchUp is also very good and imo less of a curve for new comers as has been stated it helps to understand what you want to get into and what hardware you have to use because Mac limits how much you can do in ...
Regardless of whether you want to acquire 3D models from places likeThingiverseor you want to make your own in tools likeBlenderorSketchUp, you still need to prepare it for printing in your selected printer. Manufacturers of 3D printers usually provide some form of software for the job, handlin...
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Blender is free and not going anywhere so its well worth learning... SketchUp is also very good and imo less of a curve for new comers as has been stated it helps to understand what you want to get into and what hardware you have to use because Mac limits how much you can...
格式 Solidworks模型 CATIA模型 UG模型 PROE模型 STL模型 STP模型 SketchUp模型 MMD模型 AutoCAD模型 Rhino模型分类 最新3D打印航天航空农业农具建筑结构汽车相关机械组件电脑相关家用电器机器设计教育教学医疗器械电动设备电子器件机械工具玩具礼品自然工业设计衣服首饰家具家饰室内设计能源和电力管道装置医疗相关海洋相关机器人运动...
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格式 Solidworks模型 CATIA模型 UG模型 PROE模型 STL模型 STP模型 SketchUp模型 MMD模型 AutoCAD模型 Rhino模型分类 最新3D打印航天航空农业农具建筑结构汽车相关机械组件电脑相关家用电器机器设计教育教学医疗器械电动设备电子器件机械工具玩具礼品自然工业设计衣服首饰家具家饰室内设计能源和电力管道装置医疗相关海洋相关机器人...