Note for UXP browser users: Due to the Pale Moon community being protective of consistent abusive hate speech and grave insults, I will no longer use Pale Moon, Basilisk or Borealis to test any entries or for anything else. PC browser entries that can't be reproduced in Chrome, Firefox, ...
Open Library is more than just a catalog of free classic books. It also shows contemporary books that are free to read if you decide to borrow them. To do that, you may need to register at Open Library or find the book in your local library using WorldCat or Library Link. Each librar...
After signing out of the App Store and signing back in I was able to get it to download Mavericks! Now I will try creating usb with unibeast 3.0.1 as I did in 2014. Prev 1 … 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next Not open for further replies. Share: Facebook X (Twitter) Reddit Pinterest Tum...
Your iPhone 5 comes with Safari as itsdefault browser, and its integration with the device means that it is typically the best and fastest option when it comes to surfing the Internet from your iPhone. It is not the only option, however, as there are other Web browsers that you candownlo...
You may be reading this long page when the time comes to do something else and close the browser. Next time you open the page you have to search for the part you reading to continue. This is a common difficulty, but it’s not something you can’t overcome! Just install in Chrome thi...
Reddit, and similar services (sorry I forgot their names but I despise them just like CloudFlare – I’ll try to remember to come back and add them to this post as I encounter them) give me a captcha Hell (if they don’t just purely block me) it’s not because of a “bad” acti...
This works in all versions of MacOS and Mac OS X, you’ll always find it in the “Where From” section of Get Info, so look there to locate the download origin. By the way, if you want to re-download something now that you know where it originated from, just plug that copied URL...
Short time ago all of a sudden I no longer have an Internet Explorer on my pc. I've performed a search for the above exe which returns only an entry of...
to software development that require lower amounts (or different kinds) of mental activity, like playing ViDYAgAMeS, arguing with people on Discord, or mindlessly scrolling through a fine selection of subreddits and Hacker News. While I quite enjoy writing, it’s frequently hard to find ...
In either environment, with no extras installed Tiny Core used approximately 20MB RAM. As more packages are installed and more services run, the distro’s memory footprint expands. For example, once I had firmware, OpenSSH and Firefox installed, memory usage grew to approximately 50MB. ...