Where can I donate my hair for a wig for cancer? If you would like to donate your hair to help cancer patients experiencing hair loss, we recommend donating your locks to the team atSustainable Salons– a social enterprise that repurposes salon materials to avoid waste and benefit the commun...
and this could revolutionize the field of transplants. “One of the things that’s developed over the last year is the concept of NEAD – the never ending altruistic donation – what’s involved is people offering to donate a kidney to someone who they...
“I was naturally most interested in the doctor with the fifth highest score, because he had a lower score than me but had been put forward for a gold award instead of me. When I did an internet search for him, the first links that came up were not to his hospital website. They we...
The charity is 50 years old now and raised money mainly for breast cancer research.It also runs a support line for the families of cancer sufferers.Our local group raises money through dances, sales and coffee morning, and all the funds go directly to cancer research.In 1993 Tenovus raised...
(To buy tickets and for more info,please click here!) Also, please try to join us for the kick-off party atVeronica Beard(11 E. Walton) on Thursday, April 11, from 5:30- 7:30. Hosted bySylvia Perez, Tracey Mayerand me, this VB event will donate 15% of sales to benefit the ...
Lola’s Cocktail ‘Pink Love Affair’ for Breast Cancer Awareness Follow No one is EVER shocked when I tell them I have an obsession with the colorPINK. It’s a FUN color and definitely my signature (among other things) hellllooo boa?!