User profile for user: ioshertz ioshertz Author User level: Level 1 14 points Jan 18, 2022 6:04 AM in response to Kurt Lang Right... but sad what macOS is becoming.. Resume for the next poor one who will try to calibrate the monitor: If the 'option and +' is not opening t...
Copy link to comment Somebody else August 5, 2023 By the way, I just read you are comparing "Standard 2.4 GHz" to "Bluetooth". You are very wrong here, there's "no standard 2.4GHz" nor any "standard 5.8GHz"… A number followed by Hertzs is just a frequency 2.4 million times per ...
Now that government-imposed shackles are largely off, the drone industry expects these humming messengers of technological change to take off in 2023. New opportunities and unexplored arenas will beckon the providers of these crafts, and drones will increasingly become almost as common in the skies...
By definition, parasites are not neutral with respect to their interaction with their hosts. They have long been recognized as important pathogens of man and livestock which resulted in a growing body of knowledge on adverse effects parasites have on their hosts. Many of these are documented in ...
‘Machine Men’ may be developed in one or two decades, with the use of his silicon chip.The discovery ‘Brain on a chip’ is a major step in the research of integrating computers with human brains to help people control artificial limbs, monitor people’s vital signs, correct memory loss...
Because the big change that is going to upset your nice apple cart is right around the corner. Today that is mobile. Tomorrow, who knows? I am trying like hell to figure out what that will be and jump on it. Because that's how you play this game....
Recently, new European Union regulations on medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices entered into force and will apply fully for in vitro diagnostics in May 2022 [1]. The requirements for in vitro diagnostics will change significantly and will also include the definition of pre-analy...