Not sure why or where you should catch rare Pokémon? We give you the lowdown on elusive Pokémon such as Aerodactyl, Rapidash, Lapras, Snorlax and more, with tips on where to find them and how to maximise your PokéHunt.
Actually you can't capture a Garchomp , but you can gat his pre-evolution Gible , which evolves at lvl 24 in Gabite and at lvl 48 in Garchomp . You can get a gible in the second entrance of wayward cave . When you go straight to the first entrance , you
delivering an engaging augmented reality experience that has prompted players to get outside and hit the pavement to catch ‘em all. But no new game comes without glitches these days, and along with server issues slamming the game every other day, a few stand-out problems still remain ...