墨尔本 Melbourne 墨西哥 Mexico 某人,有人 somebody 某人,有人 someone 某事(物) something 母鸡hen 母亲mother 木板board 木头wood 目的purpose 目的地 destination 目击者 witness 牧羊人 shepherd 拿;握 hold 拿出;提供 offer 拿到;带到;花费,耗费 take 哪个;哪些 which 那个that 那里;(引导词,无词义) there ...
Today, the hotel’s Authors’ Wing is the only part of the original hotel that’s left standing. According to the hotel’s website, you can stay in an Authors Suite: “These suites are tributes to some of the great literary figures that have stayed with us. All feature floor-to-ceilin...