and every major hotel was full. We managed to find a place to stay in the end, but we had to pay far more than we had budgeted, and ever since then, we have always booked ahead when visiting Singapore.
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We only stopped once to buy lunch/snacks and use the restroom. The traffic was bad, and there were frightening moments on two-lane highways. I wasn’t frightened for myself- but for the smaller cars that had to give way to the giant bus that passed when it wanted to pass. The two-...
for my strengths, and for my complete person. My dearest Alice will often joke about how incredible it is that after all this time I still managed to love her. To this I can only reply, Alice, you complete me. Since the day we met, my biggest fear has been losing ...
How the devil blinds these moderate drinkers! I do not know of any sin more binding than the sin of intemperance; the man is bound hand and foot before he knows it. I was reading some time ago an account of snake-worshiping in India. I thought it was a horrible thing. I read of ...
–Think outside of the (Big) Box. If you don’t know what to buy for someone, stay away from Big Box stores and visit local shops in your area. The gifts they have in store may surprise you. Plus it’s more fun! –Give something homemade. Make something homemade like cookies or...
m really not as much interested in her as I am in the fact that Keil wrote a puff piece implying this sequence of buy-improve-sell was a great success, without thinking it relevant to talk about the expense side of the deal (inevitable closing costs, inevitable costs to carry the house...
At around this time, a well dressed couple came into the same section, probably looking to buy something as well, and as soon as the salesman saw them, he walked to them and left me waiting. I called to him like, "Hey, I wasn't done." and he said, "I'm serving a client now...
M2: Over there on the other side of the street. W: I see. It’s very kind of you to help me. Thank you very much. 点击展开完整题目 查看答案和解析>> FOR RENT Hoquiam River View,2 bedrooms. New carpet,wooden floors,newly painted,new blinds. No pets, $ 500/month. Little River ...