Sure.There’sbankonthesecondfloor.Taketheesca latortothesecondfloorandturnright.Thebankisnexttothebookstore Vocabulary:escalator,drugstore,rest room,furniture,departmentstore,shampoo,advantage,disadvantage,exchangem Learningstrategies:Listenforspecificinformation,Cooperating SECTIONA Goals ●TolearntouseIndirect...
Point out the sample answer. Say, The letter c is in front of the words buy shampoo because you could buy shampoo in a department store. There may be more than one correct answer for some blanks. While students are working, move around the room offering help as necessary. Step Ⅲ 1b ...
But first, ensuring that we experience all of Patagonia, Ro took us to an outlook to meet 45 – 50 MPH winds. What a ride getting to the top!!! It is important to stop here to remind you that no amount of knee pain or weather challenge could alter that each step we took, on thi...