Where to watch:YouTube,Twitch The PC Gaming Show is celebrating its 10th anniversary this June. There will be over 70 games present, with world premieres, updates for released games, and a fresh look atCitizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector. Also, something about “bear exclusives”?
1. Set the size of you page file to a static number (Start->Computer, Advanced Tab, Click Settings under Performance, now Advanced Tab, In the Virtual Memory Section, click Change, Uncleck Automaically Manage paging file size, Check the Custom Size, and pick a number about twice you memo...
There has been enough said and written about WannaCry, which has turned out to be the most widely used attack vector by cyber criminals, this year. This ransomware plagued thousands in massive global cyberattacks. The widespread impact of WannaCry can be attributed to NSA losing control of its ...