doi:US4022549 AHarold GreggUSUS4022549 * Apr 30, 1976 May 10, 1977 Harold Gregg Shoreline air compressors wherein swell water pumps the air
The design was partly used in the first refrigerators, but the technology was dropped when more efficient compressors (压缩机) became popular in the 1950s. That meant a switch to using Freon.Einstein's idea uses butane (丁烷) and water and takes advantage of the fact that liquids boil at ...
it can bring bad experience. If you are planning to visit Phuket, the Pearl of the Andaman Sea in the near future, you must know how to make an amazing holiday. We have created an extended
21,316. Brecknell, H. Oct. 9. Spray-producers.-An atomizer used in a lubricator for air compressors &c. comprises an externally-grooved plug H through which the lubricant is drawn by the suction stroke of the machine.HENRY BRECKNELL