Friends are bookends that bind our stories; some novellas, some poems, some cinematic, each friend serves as a bookend to our personal history. When I’ve lost my way and need direction my friends motorize me like a little engine, and when I fly without wings, they ring the bell to c...
The walkthrough was a humbling experience for me. It served as a reminder to me how before us, Dr. King, and countless others, had to break through unimaginable barriers, especially in the South, to get to the other side. Some of them didn’t make it – like Dr. King – to see a...
My mother used to tell me this in regards to HOW we would argue, which we were both very good at and sometimes very bad at. I think of that because today I had a phone call from an old friend who I often disagree with on political issues and such but it’s always a fun and enj...
At around this time, a well dressed couple came into the same section, probably looking to buy something as well, and as soon as the salesman saw them, he walked to them and left me waiting. I called to him like, "Hey, I wasn't done." and he said, "I'm serving a client now...
Or do they feel like I am weak enough to buy their product if I am up at that hour? The wrinkle cream, maybe. But fitness and cooking? I just didn’t get it. I found myself ripping these infomercials apart. Do people really believe the makeup and wrinkle cream commercials that ...