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When we passed through customs and went to buy our train ticket into town it felt like we were just there because it’s been less than a year since our last time in Hong Kong enroute to the Maldives for our honeymoon. Since we were coming back to the airport in a couple of hours,...
handed off again, this time to shou lin wen, a gaunt guy in his late thirties, and his wife, yuting tan. further gumshoe work revealed that wen had grown up in mainland china, immigrated stateside as an adult, become a naturalized citizen, and opened a cell phone and electronics shop ...
You don’t have to list your jobs by name, unless you really want to, or any other details — just tell us how you really got them! (It occurred to me that this could be a poll attached to a database so we can analyze the results, but there are so many interesting vectors that ...