1. Set the size of you page file to a static number (Start->Computer, Advanced Tab, Click Settings under Performance, now Advanced Tab, In the Virtual Memory Section, click Change, Uncleck Automaically Manage paging file size, Check the Custom Size, and pick a number about twice you memo...
Owning a car brings a whole host of expenses. In addition to keeping the tank full, you have to pay for insurance, maintenance, and of course, the vehicle itself. People in the city spend significantly less on all of these expenses than others. Urban Transportation The average city resident...
or very slow trickle: this is an emergency procedure that you may need to use if your building loses heat. Normally it's not a great idea to leave water running as we are wasting water, risking frozen drain lines, and if a septic system is installed, we risk flooding the septic system...
This will allow the DUI casino players to get there faster (a type of AUTOBAHN except spelled AUTOBANG). Some say they will have “Losers Exits” to get back home. The tow road has a catch thought. You have to buy their nonrefundable insurance before entering (I think it will be ...