Don't miss a single weapon in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, and get all the advantages you can against its tough enemies.
If you're looking for more help with Sekiro be sure to check out our guide on unlocking Shinobi Prosthetic Tools. For a look at where to find all of the Gourd Seeds, head here.
Fulminated Mercury is a rare upgrade material inSekiro: Shadows Die Twice. It is used to upgrade your Explosive Prosthetic Tool in the late game. If you are not in the late game, read on with care, there will be some spoilers in this guide. Where To Find Fulminated Mercury Fulminated ...
There are a ton of very important items spread throughout the world of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. While each has its uses, a few stand out as the key way to defeat certain enemies. This is true for Snap Seeds, an exceedingly rare item that is useful against Lady Butterfly, as well ...
Like Dark Souls and other FromSoftware games before it, there are a ton of random items to find in the world of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Whether it's
Where to find Shinobi Axe of the Monkey in Sekiro This one is also in Hirata Estate. A little further along the main path, you'll encounter a couple of enemies you can eavesdrop on. Make your way over the wall they're facing and you'll be able to eavesdrop ...
The fights using your Elden Ring mount, Torrent, give combat a whole new dimension, a little like Sekiro's speed and jumping turned up to 11. You'll also face bosses within the dungeons scattered throughout the world. The difference between most dungeon bosses and their main game ...
Don't miss a single weapon in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, and get all the advantages you can against its tough enemies.
There are a ton of very useful items in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Some of them help heal you, others make you stronger. And some are the key to beating
To get rice in Sekiro you need to get deep into the main quest, beatingGenichiroand attaining theMortal Blade. Once you accomplish this second task you will be able to get almost as much rice as you can want. Speak with the Divine Child of Rejuvenation again and she will give you some...