Don't miss a single weapon in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, and get all the advantages you can against its tough enemies.
Fulminated Mercury is a rare upgrade material inSekiro: Shadows Die Twice. It is used to upgrade your Explosive Prosthetic Tool in the late game. If you are not in the late game, read on with care, there will be some spoilers in this guide. Where To Find Fulminated Mercury Fulminated ...
The Shuriken Wheel becomes Loaded Shuriken when installed on the Shinobi Prosthetic. The first Prosthetic Tool in Sekiro, Loaded Shuriken fires ninja stars at your enemies. When you're locked on, press R2 to throw a shuriken. This weapon is particularly useful against f...
If you're looking for more help with Sekiro be sure to check out our guide on unlocking Shinobi Prosthetic Tools. For a look at where to find all of the Gourd Seeds, head here.
There are a ton of very important items spread throughout the world of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. While each has its uses, a few stand out as the key way to defeat certain enemies. This is true for Snap Seeds, an exceedingly rare item that is useful against Lady Butterfly, as well ...
Carp Scales, which you might have collected by accident, or been told about from a very odd merchant. These things are used as currency at this merchant, who has some very important items. To help you buy them here’s how and where to get Treasure Carp Scales in Sekiro: Shadows Die ...
Don't miss a single weapon in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, and get all the advantages you can against its tough enemies.
There are a ton of very useful items in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Some of them help heal you, others make you stronger. And some are the key to beating
A clue to what to do next. This includeswhat to do with that weird kite in Senpou Temple, though if you read that guide you won’t need to waste rice on her. Either way you play the rest out, that’s how and where to get rice in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice....