main types of aquariums are freshwater and saltwater (also known as marine) aquariums. The aquarium itself does not vary, only the type of water in the aquarium, and thus, your decision between a freshwater and a saltwater aquarium is primarily a matter of choosing what type of fish you ...
These crabs spend most of their lives underwater as aquatic animals, living indepths of saltwaterthat range from shallow reefs and shorelines to deep sea bottoms, rarely leaving the water for land. As pets, several marine species of hermit crabs are common in the marine aquarium trade. Where ...
Reef Corals of the World: Biology and Field Guide Activated carbon is also used for chemicalfiltration, but some reefkeepers prefer to limit its use to prevent chronic shortages of essentialtrace elements, specifically iodide Fish-only setups will need a supplemental biological filterJC Delbeek...
Ốc (oc), as they are known in Vietnamese, can basically refer to any type of snails, usually saltwater, and they are so popular, they could be considered a major part of the Vietnamese culture of Saigon. When you go to a quan oc, or a snail restaurant, there are typically doze...
The Ocellaris Clownfish is one of the best known fish in the aquarium trade. Easy to care for, inexpensive and quite entertaining, it is a great fish for any saltwater fish tank.