If you’re looking to spend your gold and resources on PvP gear to help you climb the ranks later on, here’s everything you need to know about the PvP vendor in WoW The War Within, including its location, the gear you can buy, and more. PvP vendor location in WoW The War Within...
Lootwowgold.com is your go-to place for purchasing cheap WoW gold for both World of Warcraft Classic and World of Warcraft Shadowlands. Here you can also find plenty of valuable items, such as Mythic quality pieces of gear, mounts, battle pets, trade goods, transmog sets, and more. Unlike...
the grind to BM is much shorter then the grind to rakata (unless you have 7 fully geared guildies carrying you through hardmode/nightmare ops), and once you've survived that BM grind then you can drop those mods into augmented orange gear (yes you cough up your set bonus, but meh) ...