Receiving Cloths– Use to grip and dry each puppy. Pee Pads – We used the large pee pads to put under mom to catch afterbirth to try and keep our whelping area as clean as possible during the whelping. Paper Towels – To keep your whelping box area as clean as possible. How To -...
really, really love it and want to buy it BUT…….(insert something stupid or something that exists only in Not Reality here). It’s getting to the point where if my broker calls to tell me I’ve got another offer on the land I just wait for the punch line, because it is coming...
Wikipedia defines childlessness as the state of not having children. They break down the reasons for childlessness: infertility, ob-gyn problems, mental health difficulties, chronic illness/disability, lack of a partner or same-sex partner, social or legal barriers, economic or social pressure to p...
Since it’s St. Patrick’s Day, I want to make these cookies. I shared the link to the recipe on an earlier blog post, but the recipe doesn’t seem to be there anymore, so I made it into a jpg in case you want to make them, too. I cut them out with a shamrock shaped cutte...
Last night, my church choir surprised me with a puppy shower. There were two baby blankets, but of course no little onesies. I did get dog treats, chew toys galore, balls, weewee pads, and lots of advice. There was a gorgeous, white-frosted cake with big red flowers on it. This ...
She was not planned at least not by me and came very unexpectedly, at least to me. Yes, you got it right, this time it was all on the travelling husband even if , even afterstacking the boot of the car with blankets, towels, puppy training pads and a basket, he maintained that we...
done quickly the sanitation department would have to pick up a dead dog. 1 I was trying to make up my mind to help when I got a surprise. Up out of that snarling, growling, slashing mass reared an old redbone hound. For a second I saw him. I caught my breath. I couldnt believe...