Proxy decks are Magic decks wholly or partially made from proxies, unofficial MTG cards that aren’t real products. It’s not uncommon to run into EDH players with wholly proxied decks; thecEDHcommunity especially tends to be proxy-friendly. You’ll generally proxy the entire deck from one so...
I greatly appreciate it. If I had to do it all over again I would have chosen the computer route instead of finance. Its amazing the level of experience you guys have. A subquery would remove the need to call the fncLastBusinessDay function. To do it all in SQL by means of a subque...
Not throwing anyone under the bus here, but why was it deemed a good call to put this behind a preview button, and not tell people about it ? We have been using Azure ATP/MDI for 6+ years, and the move to the new portal actually seem to have broken all of the d...
if just one of those columns is Zero. ie. if Nothing is being claimed on part of the quote in an invoice, then I don't want to print the other columns for that line, which do still have values (Task Name / Quoted / Previously Claimed/ Claimed Incl This Invoice / ...
However, I need conditional code so that I can not show all 4 columns of a specific line, if just one of those columns is Zero. ie. if Nothing is being claimed on part of the quote in an invoice, then I don't want to print the other columns for that line, which do...
Hello Friends, I would like to return values in one column based on certain conditions in a different column (but on a separate sheet). Does anyone know the best way to do this? I basically want to create a new table from another table with filtered values but make it refreshable. ...
field codes revealed but I'm unsure if that's what you mean. The Merge Field that is showing as highlighted in grey is the problem one that doesn't work. I'm trying to say in that field to look at the field under "This Invoice" heading and if that one is Zero, then...
Hi, I have two mails, let's call them A and B. Yesterday I changed the mail where the one time code are send on A. As I was receiving a lot of one time codes...
whenever I close/reopen Edge, I click on the toolbar and reopen my closed tabs this the option on this menu you can also use this feature to add all of your open tabs to a collection and reopen them later on any of your devices that are connected to your Microsoft account ...
Excel is now meant to be Turing complete so it appears to be possible to write serious computing functionality. As an experiment, I have...