Monopoly Deal Forget about Poker! Monopoly Deal is the single best travel card game that we have ever played. Works with 2-5 players and guarantees happy days. Check Best Price Reduce Plastic – Bring a Water Bottle! Grayl Geopress Water Bottle Always travel with a water bottle! They sa...
Monopoly Deal Forget about Poker! Monopoly Deal is the single best travel card game that we have ever played. Works with 2-5 players and guarantees happy days. Check Best Price Reduce Plastic – Bring a Water Bottle! Grayl Geopress Water Bottle Always travel with a water bottle! They sa...
and we think it will get some business from chip makers looking for alternative etching and packaging. We think it will have a profitable foundry operation and that it will make good chips that people want to buy as well. But we also think the X86 market is going to decline as Arm rises...
When we deal with a normal Rajasik person, it is sometimes possible to see the underlying Tamasik being powering him, but it is also possible to have a dialogue with the Rajasik person he has constructed. Perhaps heisa bully who has sublimated that emotion into support for strong law enfor...
This is all but a mirage in value creation – especially for those that elect to lever up to buyback overvalued stock like what some of the cable networks have done over the past several years. Why are they doing this? Hint: it helps to read proxies; sometimes, you’ll figure out ...
How much fuel will I actually have to buy on this hike, discounting what I had when I started and what I pick up for free along the way? I did a quick double-check while writing this, and as far as I can remember (I might remember more when writing actual entries in complete ...
Wait!‘Monopoly’you say? Now there’s a game where you’re sure to excel. Yet I own Boardwalk and Park Place, and landing on New York will be hell. But no worries, I always distribute plenty of ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ cards, ...
we have already given the Chinese Long Beach, California and the Panama Canal, the CHANGE negotiators thought it was a great deal, after all, most of it has burned down over the years. It will get rid of the other 49 states from having to subsidize Californians who want to live in the...
I presume they would have stopped paying employees to work at the park and the monument would have been closed while the trails would have remained open, but it’s impossible to say exactly what the effect would have been on thru-hikers passing by. Thru-hikers have certainly had to deal ...
From the minds of the writers at Robot Chicken, it's time for Medusa to get her freak on; The Pirates of Dark Water visit Flint, Michigan; Yarel Poof returns to see how the Star Wars Saga ends.