There are a few tricks you can use to sync up your circadian rhythm to our natural sleep/wake cycle. The first is to take melatonin, anywhere from 1 to 3 mg, an hour before the time you’d like to be falling asleep. Do this for roughly a week, and then cease usage as melatonin ...
So I worked all day. I left to go home about 7:30ish and just got ready for bed. I’m not sure why it took me so long, unless I left closer to 8, but I was crawling into bed at 8:30. I took a 3mg Melatonin and slept!
which are all symptoms of FM. If a Mg deficiency does exist, it may have a shared link among stress, inflammation and metabolic syndrome, this may cause an inappropriate response with the activation of intracellular calcium (Ca). So it stands to reason to supplement Mg ...