I was so anxious to just leave. I knew at the time, and still understand, that having that perspective meant I was postponing my grief in some ways. I didn’t say goodbye to Shanghai in the ways I would have under different circumstances, with months of notice. So I expect...
Then the holidays arrive, and this blessed season can be a reminder of the precious people who are no longer here to celebrate it. Maybe in youth, one can blissfully ignore the chasm death and even geographical distance create. But as we grow older, we often become nostalgic for those who...
2F Block 4 Lot, 7 San Ponciano, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines ligtasinc@yahoo.com +632 9177932777 Lewis Industries Corinth Industrial Estate, RB 2300 Marisule, Corinth, St Lucia https://www.lewisindustriesltd.com lewis@candw.lc 758-450-4060 LIBERTY DISTRIBUTORS, INC. 6015 National...