So here we have got a few ways for you tobuy a Tommy Gunand your own piece of American pop culture. We’ll give you the expensive guns, seriously collectible firearms, and also show you a way to own a semi-automatic rifle for a fraction of the price. It won’t be the same, but...
> Bragging right: IGNs will be reflected in Global Server Channels 1-3, provided they beat the BC spending record of the previous holders until another player breaks their record in the next Supreme Hoarder Event. > Durational access to our collection of AA-12, M1 CARBINE AND ROCKET SERIES...
Carbines, Mausers actions, straight bolts, and even some bayonets. Some really nice Era Uniforms and a super cool surplus Jeep. I had been planning to run a
If you aren’t familiar with the game you drive a semi-truck around Europe, completing jobs and tasks for money which you use to buy different trucks/upgrades/garages and so on. When I talk to people about this game I get a lot of strange looks, like “How is that fun?” or “...