Throughout your long and perilous journey throughLords of the Fallen‘s world, you’ll often encounter doors that require keys to open, and some of them will provide extremely helpful shortcuts linking important areas together. Such is the case with the Skyrest Bridge Key, which can be obtain...
The blessed and only Potentate, the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords; Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach into; Whom no man hath seen nor can see." As mortals, we cannot see that light. Our feeble faculties would be dazzled before such a blaze...
greed, corruption, and violence is also part of the L.A. story. So are the broken dreams of the hopeful seekers who have come from somewhere else to make their mark. And then there are the natural disasters. Those who went there for the climate also got the Santa Ana...
When The Two Rivers is attacked by Trollocs–a savage tribe of half-men, half-beasts–five villagers flee that night into a world they barely imagined, with new dangers waiting in the shadows and in the light. Review: If you are a fan of Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings then you will p...
May 17th. I say “an invited audience” but, rather like the House of Lords, if you fancy it you can buy your way in. Actual actors and proper venues do cost money, and in order to raise the necessary we have launcheda campaign on Greenlit(which is like Kickstarter for arty people...
As the champions of oppressors, the chosen men of American theology have appeared-men, honored for their so called piety, and their real learning. The LORDS of Buffalo, the SPRINGS of New York, the LATHROPS of Auburn, the COXES and SPENCERS of Brooklyn, the GANNETS and SHARPS of Boston...
Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow Of all the artistic representations of Satan,this one from the iconicCastlevaniaseriesis easily one of the most excessive. Looking like an extra from a Metalica cover band, this literal Lord of Shadow is by the strictest definition the Prince of Darkness. ...
-play on the part of the Democrat Party, the intellectual fashion o’ the moment on the part of our educational establishment, vicious class snobbery on the part of a managerial elite, nostalgic for the days of forelock-tugging peasantry who wouldn’t disobey the orders of their petty lords...
Can I prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus Christ is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords through whom everything was made? No. However, I strongly believe Jesus Christ and His infallible Word will be the logical conclusion that every person will come to if they are presented with...
An angel calls to the birds to eat the flesh of all those who have fallen before Jesus. The beast and the false prophet were captured and thrown into the lake of burning sulfur. The rest were killed and feasted on by the birds. ...