For he to-day that sheds his blood with meShall be my brother; be he ne'er so vileThis day shall gentle his condition:And gentlemen in England, now a-bedShall think themselves accursed they were not here,And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaksThat fought with us upon Saint ...
P.s So guys during this hiatus, whenever am a bit free I’ll not be blogging so during that time I’d love to connect with you all. So do contact me through my contact page and I’ll get back to you in an hour maybe. I don’t make blogger frnds easily but rn I’d love to...
I just know I love them. This place is almost too beautiful for words. However, Ha Long Bay has the potential to be a tragedy in the making. It’s beauty has made it a very popular destination and parts of the bay are starting to become polluted. If you ever have the...
off down the street, squalling like a scalded cat. A big ugly cur tried his luck. He didnt get off so easy. He came out with his left shoulder laid open to the bone. He sat down on his rear and let the world know that he had been hurt. By this time, my fighting blood was ...
France. She entrusted it to her doctor with the words: ‘it is my whole life’.Charlottehas been a smash hit in its native France, and deserves to be one here too – it has the same feel asThe Hare with Amber Eyes, and certainly left me itching to buy several copies to give to ...
First, and because I didn't promise not to do this: I TOLD YOU SO, I TOLD YOU SO, I F*CKING TOLD YOU SO. For everyone who came here to lecture me, that the China Coff was going to depopulate the world, and I was being irresponsible for saying it was like
However, this time, I felt my body tighten, my blood pressure rise and fearful and paranoid thoughts started to chime in rapid succession. A tug-of-war began between my rational mind laying out the facts: it’s daytime, there are families all around you, you are safe; and my ...
The low oil prices we are seeing are a symptom of serious problems within the economy–what I have called “increased inefficiency” (reallydiminishing returns) leading to low wages. See my postHow increased inefficiency explains falling oil prices. While wages have been stagnating, the cost of ...
the of and to a in that is was he for it with as his on be at by i this had not are but from or have an they which one you were all her she there would their we him been has when who will no more if out so up said what its about than into them can only other time new...
I don’t find the general chit chat about kids to be annoying- where I live I think the kid to adult ratio is about 142:1. You can’t sneeze without 987 parents handing you a bottle of hand sanitizer. I like when people talk to me about my kids, or even better when they talk ...