A novel by Sinclair Lewis, however much it may be open to objection, is at least a book by a writer — that is, a work of the imagination that imposes its atmosphere, a creation that shows the color and modelling of a particular artist’s hand. But a novel by J. P. Marquand is ...
Were it not for the fact that we are headed to Caadiff for Sue’s birthday the sensible thing today would have been to stay indoors and light the fire. Football on the telly. Tomato soup for lunch with nice crusty bread and butter and a chunk of mature cheddar cheese. Comments (0) J...
Sometime around the start of Gulf War 1, I read Bernard Lewis’ article inThe Atlantic Magazine–The Roots of Muslim Rage– and I was so struck by his insight and explanation that I really made a pest of myself, showing the article to a number of my fellow NCOs and airmen –“See!
I had to work my final shift at Susie Cakes on the Saturday before the marathon. I was more than happy to do this (I will miss Susie Cakes a great deal even though I love my new position and am happy to be working
As always though, in the back of my mind was the reminder that at some point I’d have to go back to work, and back to my regularly scheduled life. And don’t get me wrong, I have a sweet life. Like, it’s really cushy. My partner and I ‘own’ our own home (well, like ...
Here is arch villain and uber-capitalist Peter Theil himself in one of the most honest and insightful business books ever written Zero to One admitting just as much. “Americans mythologize competition and credit it with saving us from socialist bread lines. Actually, capitalism and competition ...
Mom always bought a loaf of bakery wheat bread, tore each slice into clunks and dried them on a sheet-cake pan in the closet where the hot water heater lived. I zigged down the bakery aisle, threw a loaf into the basket and headed for the quick-checkout register, making it to work...
etc. But never a peep by the media was uttered. Now, this possibility still angers me, knowing that some of the rich and famous uses more drugs than the entire continent of Africa, so to speak. And, many of the “haves” generally buy their personal “stash” from African-American dru...
Join us next time for Week 23 of the International Vintage Recipe Tour as we head to Indonesia via the kitchen! India photos courtesy of Lewis J. Goetz, Varnan Guba, Aditya Joshi, Claudette Bleijenberg, Bhim Chauhan, Vivek Dashi, Hari Nandakumar, Tiago Rosado, Joshuva Daniel, Akhil Chandra...
We were all invited to the beach house for dinner that night, provided we helped prepare so the remainder of the day was spent shopping and prepping under the watchful of one of the Carols. Delicious salad, spaghetti with a choice of meat sauce or a vegetarian sauce with garlic bread, Ke...