Mio is located in well-to-do Recoleta, close to the famous Evita cemetery and the large metallic Floralis flower. There are many excellent restaurants nearby such as the highly-rated Fervor, the more local Rodi Bar, and the very plush Italian La Pecora Nera. Check availability 03 Patios De...
They’re full of intricate detail–a variety of animals, children of every color of the rainbow, and gorgeous scenery enhance this book. There’s even a mama wearing her baby in a wrap! (Swoon.) As we read the book together, my son loves to point out his favorite whale or the cute ...
For the hungry, there are a lot of Italian eateries in the area, from little cafes to full blown restaurants. One of these is Caffe Trieste, the most famous in San Francisco; previous frequenters of this cafe include Alan Watts, Vincent Price and Francis Ford Coppola – he wrote much of...
000 people, just seven kilometers outside of Venice, is the most popular day trip destination from the city. For good reason, as Burano is well known for the rainbow coloring of residents’ homes. Burano had long been on my travel bucket list...
Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees Use italian bread cut in half long way (of buy premade garlic bread). If making own you can smother it in butter and place garlic powder/garlic precut on the bread. cut up some strips of mozzarella cheese (strips of string cheese work well too). ...
The Rainbow Song ~ colours Mr. Sun ~ weather There’s a Hole in the Garden ~ nature Songs for playing & interacting: If You’re Happy and You Know It Head and Shoulders Wheels on the Bus Old MacDonald One of the best things about music is that it’s always with you. Once you lea...
“We trained for a while in Adelaide; the people in Australia were so happy to see us. I remember they met us at the beach with tea and cookies. The enemy soldiers were getting close. We went up the coast to New Guinea and into Port Moresby; we got there on Thanksgiving Day 1942....
Oh, how to choose? Telluride is the best on-mountain dining in North America. There, we said it. On a sunny day, it’s got to be the French-kissed fare atBon Vivant, eaten under the massive umbrellas at the plein-air restaurant. On chillier days,Alpino Vino’s rustic Italian...
She was and is talented; no denying that, but one does have to wonder if she would have been quite as famous if she remained plain old Beverly Santamaria, a plain old Italian-American girl from upstate New York. It would have seemed like just a small thing at first, a ready ...
It was a trip I enjoyed from the third day to the last. The first two days it rained. Hard. Everyone came outside to watch as though it were some bizarre anomaly like a comet dipping out of the sky on to the ground or a leprechaun really appearing at the end of the rainbow. I ...