With a perfectly timed attack and thanks to not being a threat for the overall title, Simon Yates managed to get a gap and increase it all the way to the summit. Given the mainly downhill run to the line, he was never going to be caught from behind and he had enough time to sit ...
Based on the amounts eaten, sampling is probably not the right word but real fresh local seafood is a treat too long withheld. While not exactly a foodie roadtrip, a big part of our adventure is the consumption of much food and I’ll try to include the names of the restaurants. ...
Donald Link, one of the Crescent City's pivotal chef-restaurateurs, first conceived of his sandwich shop both as an adjunct to his pork paean Cochon and as tribute to the Cajun groceries he grew up visiting near Lake Charles, Louisiana. The boudin (rice-studded pork sausage) that Link serv...