My favorite Glutino product is their English Muffins, which are also a great hamburger bun option! They don’t have many, if any other bread products but the English Muffins are definitely worth the buy. Certified gluten free Where to buy:Freezer section of Walmart, Smith’s/Kroger, Natural...
Come on, Tara–didn’t you learn about Chekhov’s chainsaw hand in English I? Then Tara and Bo[red] Derek sit at the hotel bar and have a drink. The choices these characters make are just wild. Fin and Hot Tits are going to fly an old army plane to Florida, while Frankie Muniz ...
We experiment with flavours and vote if they are lunch box worthy. For example everyone hates courgettes in my house but will happily eat zucchini and orange muffins or zucchini and chocolate cake. These can be popped into the lunch box in the morning and are ready to eat by small break ...
And, after work Monday I went to happy hour with Heather and we discussed the book I mentioned above. She is the one who gave it to me and recently lost her father. My sisters and I left my mom’s house in perfect order but they agreed that I should take the English cork bottom ...
I join many many who opined with a preference of kaiser rolls or ciabatta rolls. I also enjoy English muffins for this reason. Like ciabatta, English muffins have an an abundance of nooks and crannies to capture the sauces and juices. The challenge is that it’s difficult to find them la...
We only stopped once to buy lunch/snacks and use the restroom. The traffic was bad, and there were frightening moments on two-lane highways. I wasn’t frightened for myself- but for the smaller cars that had to give way to the giant bus that passed when it wanted to pass. The two...
My main course was a house specialty, Eggs Sardou, described in the menu as: housemade English muffins, coffee cured Canadian bacon, hollandaise, and Marchand De Vin sauce. What they are is the best version of Eggs Benedict I’ve ever put in my mouth (and I’m something of a connoisseu...
Once you have learned to master (and it IS a learned mastery) keeping a healthy natural yeast starter in your kitchen, you will never have to buy yeast again. I’m not going to pretend I don’t buy yeast. I do. There are infrequent times that I feel the need to make bread quickly...
).I also fully admit that my knowledge of South Africa, particularly the language and culture, is heavily influenced by the fact that my family and many friends here are English (speaking) South Africans. I’m sure there are MANY other South Africanisms I am missing out on – I hope my...
that seem to come from the same distributor that serves oversized muffins and $5 donuts to all the trendy cafes. No one from this coffee shop that runs out of food everyday walks across the street to the Russian place to replenish their stock. I mean, forget whatever cultural...