To see the Orionid meteor shower at its best, go to the darkest possible location, lean back and relax. You don't need equipment like telescopes or binoculars as the secret is to take in as much sky as possible and allow about 30 minutes for your eyes to adjust to the dark. If you...
You can see the Perseid meteor shower best in the Northern Hemisphere and down to the mid-southern latitudes, and all you need to catch the show is darkness, somewhere comfortable to sit and a bit of patience. To find the Perseid meteor shower, it's a good idea to look for the point ...
Get up close to all the exotic animals at the Wild Animal Park's Drive-Thru Safari in Chittenango. Coast Through the Mountains Credit - NY Governor's Office Coast Through the Mountains Coast through the Adirondack Mountains on the country's longest mountain coaster in Lake Placid. Sail through...
There are a few other people there, including a physical education teacher out until classes start in a few weeks, looking to hike as much of the Long Trail as possible. I try to dry out a little before heading on; Spanky arrives and tries to convince me to stay to be able to walk...
“It’s an honour to be one involved in the Foundation and the process.” Bradley is in his 32nd season with the Boston Bruins and now is in his sixth season as senior advisor to the general manager. His father, Bart, was a long-time Bruins’ scout who was inducted into the Wall ...
That’s why we made the ultimate beer guide to Belgium plus where to drink beer in Belgium to help you out! As avid beer drinkers, we knew Belgium had to be a stop for us in Europe. And during our time in Belgium, we drank an embarrassing amount of beer, as categorized on our ...
Fire ever doth aspire, And makes all like itself, turns all to fire. — John Donne ‘Tis a silent, skeleton world; Dead, and not yet re-born, Made, unmade, and scarcely as yet in the making; Ruin’d, forlorn, and blank. — B. E. Baughan ...
I love my life for many reasons and my friends are one of the biggest reason 🙂 So the day had come and I had done a lot of shopping the other day and that was another adventure in a way to buy so much stuff and realizing that my flatmate can’t drive me home so I had to ...
I never thought about what it would be like to have a pug blog, with no pugs. I never thought about what it would be like to document the life of an aging pug, through all the ups and downs. When I started this blog, I was in my 20's and relatively care free. I had two ...
ICE Now in December, we’ve just learned that ICE has decided to “appeal” the Judge’s decision that granted one of our families asylum last month. So much for building a life in the U.S. without fear. Both parents work all the time since receiving their work permits; cooking, clean...