You may reapply the spray if you notice its drying earlier than the 5-minute mark. Wipe the surface thoroughly using a clean cloth to finish the process. Where to buy Microban 24 Sanitizing Spray: Microban 24-Hour Disinfectant Sanitizing Spray $10 at AmazonCredit: Courtesy of Microban / ...
gifts, and letters and put them in a box to reminisce later. Talking out loud, “She takes just like a woman, but she will not break like a little girl.” No more hours fanning the past; on this day
A Grammar Anarchist says: “Ain’t nobody going to tell me apostrophes aren’t for plural nouns.” Instead of mocking the extensive overuse of negatives (“So someone IS going to tell you how to use apostrophes?”) we tell them we are charmed bytheir use of the vernacular ‘ain’t’ ...