Producing dental crown caps, where a spray with a liquid wax dissolved in solvent is used for spraying on dental model stumps (1), and the solvent is evaporated after spraying and a thin insulating wax film remains on the stumps, is claimed....
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“When I was exposed to the truth by way of a book, I kept the secret, too. I was 13. My parents divorced, and five years later, my mother died. In 1966, I went to live with my father in Hollywood. I was forbidden to talk about our life: ‘Don’t discuss our family business...
Laptops have some obvious advantages in portability, but if you want 6 MAY/JUNE 2017 a bit more power and want to save some cash, a desktop might be a better option. When looking at any PC (desktop or laptop), you'll need to look at four main components. Here's a descrip- tion ...
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