Transgender beauty vlogger Nikita Dragun is launching her own makeup brand, Dragun Beauty. This is the first trans-owned makeup brand catering specifically to transgender people.
m not one to write reviews, but this product deserves to be put on a pedestal and presented to the gods. Every concealer I’ve used leaves my under eyes looking patchy and spotty. I thought I was doomed forever until this angelic Sephora associate introduced me to this. This is what I...
Kate McKinnon won an Emmy, Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle was actually pretty fun and not terrible, so many strangers jumped to help other strangers in terrible disasters, Robert Mueller is doing his job, Netflix’s Big Mouth exists, victims of abuse are finally being heard, and ROY MOORE...
Foundation Matrix™ Find your next foundation or concealer match! The Dupe List™ Find a product dupe or compare two palettes. Swatch Gallery™ Find swatches by color, product, formula, etc. Compare Any Two Curious how two shades compare to each other? Type in the shades below to get...
3. Now, I’m using my Elf HD Lifting Concealer on my eyes to even out the color as well as prime my eyelids. 4. Now, I’m going to use my Kabuki brush to set my concealer and foundation with my matte powder by Covergirl in Honey Almond. ...
Her friend wanted to buy something from Bath and Body. She perused the entire store and after quite a while selected Key Lime hand soap for the kitchen. It cost $3.95. The two returned happy but when Simon LaGree saw his wife with a little bag in her hand he lost his temper. "What...
Fake a fresh start with concealers worth their weight in gold Wear and tear: How Europe is stepping up efforts to make fast fashion unfashionable Still time to pick up a brilliant beauty buy for a last-minute Christmas gift Oh, parfum! Pick a delicious Irish scent f...
Then after trying a third time to apply primer, then moisturizer, then concealer, she finally said, “Oh my goodness, your skin is dry, Jackie. REALLY, REALLY dry.” Tell me something I DON’T KNOW! The struggle with winter skin is real. I wash my face every night and wear night se...
Still bleating, Tara prodded Manderley up the stairs and to her own dressing table. For the next half hour, she employed every cleanser, pore-reducer, tweezer, and concealer, liquid, powder, gel and stick. One eye on the clock, she set to work on her daughter’s hair, comparing the ...
Activated Concealer Lifting Serum Let me tell you WHY this was the worst purchase ever. 1. I’m stupid for buying something through a Facebook ad, as we have already established. 2. This wasn’t the product I purchased. I watched like 17 videos on Facebook about a foundation and concea...