Robo-April spins with a ski above her head to make a tornado to fight the sharknado. They dogsled into it and–hey look, Gill’s flying around up there!, but they can’t catch him before the storm dumps them in the ocean in Australia (portal, remember?). Tony Hawk skateboards on to...
You may not have the budget to parrot the complete strategy, but you can always model the technique on a smaller scale. Be patient. Real value may not be immediate. As is the case with any new technology platform, the metaverse will need to mature and develop before true value can be ...
Before we can nuke an asteroid, we need to find it first. NASA (and others) are looking for them, but it’s tricky. Early detection is key: if it’s close, it’s too late. If telescopes can identify an NEO (near-Earth object), then NASA and other astronomers can take pictures of...
Fingerboarding, with its intricate tricks and miniature skateboards, has evolved from a niche hobby into a worldwide phenomenon. If you’ve ever wondered how to use a Tech Deck skateboard, you’re in for a deep dive into this exciting subculture. Whether you’re a beginner or an aspiring ...
You see, November is National Novel-Writing Month, affectionately (and sometimes less so) referred to as NaNoWriMo or simply NaNo for short. The idea is to write an entire novel in a month, from start to finish. Complete that task and you're said to have "won" NaNoWriMo. 50,000 wo...