The chain fence (12), as a dynamic barrier to restrain rock avalanches, is composed of a number of interlaced circular rings (30-44) so that each ring is interlaced with at least four other neighboring rings. Each ring is formed of a cable with a number of twisted strands, shaped into...
First, to those who may be offended by the title of this post: please accept my deepest apologies, particularly to those fellow-Americans who have awakened to the realities of our Country’s greatest achievements and deepest faults. As both attributes are destined to follow us with every step ...
I didn’t see the fireworks finale, since my neighbor saw me outside and rushed over to talk to me. Apparently my fence has some openings in it, and her dogs are getting through to my side. Such is life in a small town. I can’t see the damaged fence because my bushes are overgr...
The homeless were nowhere in evidence, much to my daughter’s mild surprise. I walked Wee Jamie every morning, pushing the cheap Cocomelon-themed folding stroller that we keep in Thing’s trunk for emergencies. The weather was cool, in comparison to late May in Texas – no need for air ...
It wasn’t a cheap model, but it wasn’t rock-bottom cheap, either. The ice maker and dispenser stopped working entirely and repairing it all isn’t worth the trouble and the parts. Not having a monthly mortgage payment will free up a not inconsiderable sum of money; I plan to ...
Case in point: When it comes to botched executions, the ‘same’ listicle gets republished several times a year by different content farms looking for cheap and easy traffic to make a fast buck. Ad revenue is the motive and there’s no motive to reward quality work because that’s just ...
filled with chemicals and colours and toxic substances, high levels of vegetable oils and preservatives, sugar and salt. And to fill them out, so they will induce a feeling of fullness quickly, they are served with grains, starches, carbohydrates, which are cheap to add as fillers to the ...
highway, you take evasive measures. You don't Will the oncoming car to the side of the road... or try to levitate it. Even though... metaphysically... that is possible, you do need to be able to do it. That is one of the reasons we have that other statement;talk is cheap. ...
So when it comes to the issue of having babies at home, let’s find someone who has been on both sides of the fence. Hmmm, whom can we find? Oh. Okay. ME. Yep, I’m coming out of the closet. I have had three children in the hospital and two at home in the very bed my ...
for longer than usual, and more often than usual. They used the money we paid them for their artefacts and services to buy sugar to make alcohol. The women warned us that if we waited until 3 pm to distribute the clothes we had...