The Nock Cases have a rugged, casual look about them. If you’re a style conscious person it might look out of place to pull one of these cases out of your suit pocket or leather briefcase, but they go along perfectly with backpacks and casual bags. That’s not a knock against them,...
You will also notice all the American players are still US tax residents, with most opting for the zero-income tax state of Florida. This is because the USA still taxes its citizens even if they reside out of the USA. To avoid that, you’d need to renounce citizenship. French athletes ...
I put on a new suit, got a leather briefcase and headed to downtown Washington for meetings with the city's most prominent lobbyists. I pretended to be the representative of a London-based energy company with interests in Turkmenistan. I told them I wanted to hire the services of a firm...
For years now, I’ve been picking upSimenonswhen I find them in cheap paperback editions–which has become harder and harder. It rarely takes more than a night or two to finish them, but each is a headlong plunge into the dark side of otherwise ordinary characters. Andre Gide thought Sime...