For example, the Chanel No. 5 perfume is made in France at the fragrance factory located in Grasse. This factory has been producing Chanel fragrances since 1954, and it’s considered to be one of the most advanced perfume laboratories in the world. Other Chanel perfumes like Chance and Coco...
“When I was exposed to the truth by way of a book, I kept the secret, too. I was 13. My parents divorced, and five years later, my mother died. In 1966, I went to live with my father in Hollywood. I was forbidden to talk about our life: ‘Don’t discuss our family business...
Chanel is also aware of this advantage.Therefore, in the series of videos "Inside Chanel" which began to be released in 2012, Chanel restored the story of Coco Chanel with black and white video and fast forward mode: the launch of No.5 perfume, the background of what advanced clothing wa...
The vendors are calm and very friendly and they honestly want your business; they don’t try to rip you off and are much easier to bargain with. Most of this market is under huge tarps so make sure to take lots of water or buy lots of water and stay hydrated because it will feel l...
3:10 p.m.— I pick up some vintage Chanel perfume bottles online via Etsy. I’ve always liked the look of them and am thinking of simply displaying them in my closet, or using them as props. I think I’d also like to find a glass cut Chanel bottle, it would look nice. These ...