Bug Protection: Bug spray, and light long-sleeved clothes for the evenings are musts in the Caribbean. FAQ: Safest Islands in the Caribbean Which Caribbean island is the safest? Which Caribbean island has the highest crime rate? Which Caribbean island is the safest from hurricanes? When is the...
The false wall needs to go from corner to corner to hide the seam. You also don’t want to go too big, as would-be looters might notice the difference in thickness if it’s more than say 10 to 12 inches deep. Inside Spray Foam Attic Insulation While most attics offer a lot of d...
CON:One “downside” to buying moving boxes online is thatsometimes the boxes are all the same size— so you may have to run to the store to find one or two box sizes that you’re missing. (Or you’ll have to buy two different sets of boxes to begin with — to cover all of the...
The mosquitoes get terrible at this spot in the summer, be prepared with lots of bug spray. Pegmatite is an extremely hard rock and will take persistence to break. The mica and quartz can be extremely sharp so wearing gloves is a good idea. Do not get discouraged if you have a difficul...
as in other Central American countries. Costa Rica has a much higher cost of living than its neighboring countries and since Tamarindo is a tourist destination, expect to pay equivalent US prices for pretty much everything (if not more) for imported items such as sunscreen and bug spray!
If you aren’t familiar with the game you drive a semi-truck around Europe, completing jobs and tasks for money which you use to buy different trucks/upgrades/garages and so on. When I talk to people about this game I get a lot of strange looks, like “How is that fun?” or “...
Last weekend I visited Bartel Grasslands for the first time. It is part of the Forest Preserves of Cook County, Illinois. I had my hiking boots on for mud and my bug spray, but it was not bad for exploring on the trail when I was there around 8:00 in the morning. ...
I recommend bringing bug spray and sunscreen.Which we forgot and paid for the next day. Be sure to checkSalman Raspberry Ranch’s websitebefore you go, fields and stores are not always open. They update daily. Have a lovely day,
I don’t know about you, but jet lag is the least of my issues when doing the continental shuffle. You thinkI’d be used to it by now, but a zillion little things always trip me up when I get to one side or the other. I get in the wrong side of the car. I have to remembe...
In the pocket of my door, the passenger door, is the sunscreen, bug spray, water purifyer and a flashlight. Behind the driver’s seat, we have our two folding Brompton bikes, our helmets, and the carryall that fits on the bike. These bikes are amazing, folding up small enough that th...