Where to find and buy discontinued products and items online. Hard to find items you thought were unavailable but we found them.
9But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. 10And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. ...
In just 2 hours, the couple___$1,100 in total. They wanted to surprise Niko with their___gift. When the couple came back to buy the boy’s lemonade, Lexy asked Niko if he was trying to collect money for anything. He said he was on a soccer team and that they were___to compet...
She's moving away from New York City to a suburban life that neither she nor her family are familiar with. But when she enters her new middle school class, she's hit with an even bigger challenge: the oncoming threat of puberty. Between her fretting about bras, periods, pads, and ...
My neighbour has a son entering Primary One in March. She asked me what brand of school shoes I buy for my boys as she often sees them diligently washing their shoes every Saturday. She even asked me if it is necessary to wash black school shoes. That got me thinking, “Do your kids...
1. Stay home unless you deem it “Essential” and then you should still stay home unless you must buy essential binge foods. 2. A face mask is useless and may even do more harm than good because you’ll touch your face a lot to adjust it. However masks might be mandatory by the ti...
We’ve come a long way from the belief that feminists are a bunch of hairy-legged manhaters who burn bras, and we’ve come a long way from people who believed girls don’t read comics. Be’er Sheva is a lovely, modern small city (Everything in Israel is small: the country is the...
The Molokai Bar Entertained Husbands and Fathers til 4:00 AM in provincial Oakland Park, Florida with 151 rum, over-stuffed bras and sarongs designed to reveal more skin than Hefner's Bunny Costumes. Some of Leonce's favorite girls had been Bunnies. Anyone interested in this story and fami...
The staff was sweet (and remembered me on only the second day), the pannini, the sweets, and the coffee were outstanding! Honestly, the things they had on display here made it difficult for me not to buy everything in the entire store! And the fact that it was crowded both times I ...
but really you can’t do much besides vent together and offer social support. And don’t get me wrong – social support is essential, but not as essential as instrumental support[13]. Mothers need someone there to help with the little things and perhaps even give mom a chance a sleep fo...