If you’re proficient in the Perception skill, you can also add your proficiency bonus to the final number. Other proficiencies and languages Any other proficiencies you get from your background, class, and race are listed here. This includes DnD languages, as well as tool, armor, and DnD...
8 reasons to buy swiss 1:1 replica watches made in China Why buying a Swiss watch made in China might be the right move. In recent years, China has produced a lot of replica swiss watches. These copy are usually much cheaper than the original. Compared with their counterparts in authentic...
If I was in an abusive relationship, where my partner of many years decided to start beating me, and then threatening to beat me more, then say ‘don’t worry, we’ll make this work’, and then beat me again, it would be a sane response to GTFO. It would also be a sane response...
the merry season, the busy time of year when easy dinners are appreciated, and the larger crowds that come to the table for holiday celebrations, I thought it would be ideal to highlight her recipe for Chicken Thighs with Cinnamon and Dates. It’s easy to make, ...
The most loyal of Trump fans, like with any fandom, lost sight of the plot and found themselves holed up in subcults on Reddit and Gab where reality goes to die. Very little about Trumpism as a political phenomenon was actually innovative. It was just louder. The most groundbreaking ...
The only possible reasoning I could see for this to be the case is if Sei Shojo was trying to play up the femdom angle, which required the Mamiyas to be protected by invisible plot armor and always have you be trapped and powerless. Unfortunately, the entire plot s...
Now my Muse has left me, life and I have an uneasy truce, and an empty canvas sits, yellowing, in the comer of my living room, for I have no more pictures to paint. Share this: Tweet Share on Tumblr Reddit Email Print Loading...Leave...