Gundam Base Tokyo - Retail: Daiba Located on the seventh floor of DiverCity shopping mall in Aomi, this megastore and mini theme park is devoted to the giant battle robots of the popular Gundam anime series. Hardcore fans will enjoy exploring the galleries showcasing historic... Legoland Dis...
Although they started out providing 1/100th-scale cut-out figures to be used in architectural models, Terada has greatly expanded their line-up to cater to scale-model hobbyists, offering kits that feature miniature animals, sports settings,...On...
with comfortable and clean rooms well equipped with everything you need. However, hotel prices are comparable to those of many big European cities, and since space is a valuable commodity in Tokyo, rooms tend to be small.
What was possibly the most unexpected aspect of these places are the ways that they brand them with cute and sexy animated figures meeting each other for various activities including, but not limited to acts of love. It’s a truly unique experience to not only be in this kind of place in...