Grains are the reproductive material of the plant, and plants don’t make the reproductive material to give away for free to animals. Cereal grains have evolved Lectins, Phytic Acid, Protease Inhibitors and other anti-nutrients that potentially disrupt normalgutphysiology when they are consumed over...
Natural Balanced Hoofcare, Clicker Training, Faith-based Equine Assisted Personal Development as well as general Equine Connections are all part of what is to come in the spring of 2019. Plans are being put into place to host Guest Experts in the Equine ...
Yes, you can do all that with sourdough bread – but sometimes I just want to make those things NOW, not tomorrow. So I am on a crusade to help people learn how to use Natural Yeast if they have an inclination to do so. #1 rule: NEVER RUSH THE SOURDOUGH#2 rule: Sour dough take...