杀死了皇帝,并拿到了可观的报酬。黑暗兄弟会虽历经波折,最终还是存活下来。 接下来,纳兹尔建议主角前往裂谷城找戴尔文,对晨星圣所进行一次大装修。 接着你会聆听到夜母的低语声,她会要你听取她的委派,解锁支线任务“永远的黑暗兄弟会”。 来到晨星圣所的外面,如果此前你没有杀掉西塞罗,他此时会赶来投奔,你可以招...
The jarl requires you to buy the house in town as well as performing five favors for the townsfolk. Once this is achieved you can become Thane. In order to receive this quest you must first aid the current jarl,Elisif the Fair, by investigating disturbances in a nearby cave and then comp...