So well, in fact, a bunch of white assholes marched on Charlottesville, Virgina and one super asshole murdered an innocent woman (as well as injured dozens more) when he drove a car into counter protestors. I know. I know. I know. We all already knew that fucking assholes like the Ku...
these actions merely serve to show how one event, the Charlottesville engagement, inevitably inflames and becomes a useful trigger to set off similar reactions around the country, like falling dominoes.
We’re back and excited to share some return to success over here at Shed52. As dedicated readers will know, we were deep in the Shed52 struggle for the past few weeks, with no takers on ourStakmore Table Setand it turns out that you actually cansay “no” to a muppet on a bicycle...
There are of course a multitude of monsters that could be discussed in this chapter, but have been elided due to constraints of space (indeed, the subject of ecoGothic forest creatures would be a worthy study in itself). One of these is the sasquatch or Bigfoot, a mythical wildman figure...
to the Supreme Court, saying Bork's appointment would set back civil rights. Biden said his decision to run in 2020 came after hearing President Donald Trump's "moral equivalency" about white supremacist and counterprotesters at what turned out to be a violent clash in Charlottesville, Virginia...
Our house hits the market on Friday. With any luck we will be in Charlottesville by June. We will rent for a year, make sure this works for us, and then hopefully buy a home. Maeve will start kindergarten there, Bridget can go to a pre-school that costs 30% less than what it does...