The TV. The box. The telly. The small screen. The television set (if you want to be formal). Call it what you want, we’re living in its golden age. Distant is the memory of a time where all you had was a fistful of channels on your nan’s terrestrial static magnet; now, you...
(Sections 3-4) I return to my story to describe how the gospel and grace freed me from the not-good-enough hamster wheel, how it changed me and how I found the peace I was desperately searching for. (Section 5) Finally, I added 4 chapters of practical suggestions for the depressed, ...
it is because I have finally succumbed to a poorly dealt hand, consisting of colon cancer, a really big thigh zit, a little bit of liver failure, and Alice. But don’t let it get to you, because like I’ve always told those closest to me, “life is ...
I surprised myself when the axe finally landed on the bullseye. I rang the bell near my lane, strutted to the check-in counter/bar and told him I was done. He told me that I had 13 minutes remaining. Again, I laughed, telling him that I had gotten my money’s worth. ...
Pictured: Richard “the Hamster” Hammond (he’s not really a hamster) (6) “Bitches ain’t shit but hoes and tricks” This is just a mean and unpleasant thing to say. Plausibly the profilation of open and ugly misogyny and homophobia in popular music over the last 25 years has had ...
I get these ideas in my head and until I follow through they circle around and around like a hamster in a ball. When I make quinoa there is always at least 2 cups left over that I try to throw into soup or salad to add extra protein to my diet. My son, however, is really ...
Dance with music: And check out the original source of the Hamster Dance music: Disney’s animated Robin Hood (1972): Equal time for cats. Still not sure about the type of source? Avoid it. ...
Dance with music: And check out the original source of the Hamster Dance music: Disney’s animated Robin Hood (1972): Equal time for cats. Still not sure about the type of source? Avoid it. ...