It will in time power the teppanyaki grill when it comes to breakfast. However I am in no hurry for this. I am slightly annoyed that I forgot to bring matches so will have to pop up to the pop-up shop to source some. Either that or rely on the generosity of nearby caravaners, som...
I walked out to the courtyard to see what was going on. The tables weren’t set up yet, but the Donkey stood idly and annoyed at the other end of the yard. I don’t know why they bring him, maybe for the kids. In the bar, a few guests were watching the Derby. The elan of ...
somewhere (which is always fun to try and find again once we come back home), shuffle the kids outside, pack up the dogs (which is just as much fun as herding cats) and make sure the garage is empty, all within 1/2 an hour, cause these people really, really need to see the ...
looking forward all day during work to when the clock strikes 5, excitedly racing to Drink.Well’s front door and then having my dreams quickly smashed while staring at a locked door and dark, empty bar because it is indeed a Wednesday and they are indeed closed. Okay, maybe it wasn’t...
children to use the interior trash bin or bag and that it does need to be emptied periodically. I made the mistake by not telling my son to empty the back seat and floorboard routinely. First time I had ever seen a penicillin factor in action was when I had to clean out my son’s ...
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